H.E. Irakli Garibashvili, the Prime Minister of Georgia, visited IOC headquarters in Madrid on 20 May 2021. He led a prestigious delegation that included the Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development, the Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, members of the Georgian Parliament, H.E. the Georgian Ambassador to Spain and Mr. George Svanidze (pictured) public figure, maecenas, adviser to the Minister of The Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia and current president of the IOC, organizer  of this official meeting.

The delegation was welcomed by the Executive Director, Abdellatif Ghedira, and his two deputies, as well as by a large number of IOC staff.

Before welcoming the senior Georgian official, the Executive Director showed his guests a video in which the Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture and the President of the Republic of Georgia announced their intention to join the IOC in 2019 and to host a session of the Council of Members in Tbilisi, the capital.

He then gave an overview of Georgia’s achievements during its two years as Council Chair, emphasizing the Chair’s availability, dynamism and support for the accomplishment of the Organisation’s mission. He also thanked the Georgian Ambassador for his collaboration.

The two Deputy Executive Directors also addressed the guests. Jaime Lillo, who oversees operational aspects of the IOC, gave a brief presentation on the Organisation’s activities. Mustafa Sepetçi, who oversees administrative and financial affairs, underlined the excellent collaboration between the Executive Secretariat and the Georgian Chair. The floor was then given to the Minister of Agriculture and the Prime Minister of Georgia, who thanked the Executive Secretariat for continuing its work despite the pandemic and for the support given to both Georgia and the IOC Chair. They pledged to make all efforts to ensure a successful session of the Council of Members and Advisory Committee meeting in the country in November 2021.

The IOC officials then invited the Georgian delegation to an olive oil tasting session and a drinks reception that had been organised in their honour.  At the end of the visit, gifts were exchanged before a photo session.


The Prime Minister of Georgia visits the IOC